Q: Will this be available again in other sizes and colours
A: Sorry no, this is now discontinued.
Q: Does the product come in an OD option and can the hood be stowed away easily?
A: It does come in olive green. The whole jacket stows away easily, but the hood itself does not stow away while the jacket is being worn.
Q: What material is it made from?
A: 50% cotton, 50% polyester, with a DuPont Teflon fabric protector coating.
Q: Does this come in british dpm? The colour option does not show British DPM, but it looks as if the picture is in British DPM. Does it have any pockets and what is a smock style zipper?
A: Yes, the woodland camouflage option is not an exact British DPM pattern but is extemely similar. It does not have any pockets. The smock style zipper refers to a zip that runs from the top of the front to about a third of the way down.