Q: Will the 112 hood fit a 120 jacket properly? I can't seem to find a 120 hood anywhere...
A: It will fit adequately as there's not much difference between the spacing of the buttons.
Q: Will this hood fit on a British Combat Jacket?
A: No, there are no button holes to support the hood.
A: Yes, there is a wire going around the front edge.
Q: Will this hood fit soldier 2000 gaberdine jacket?
A: Yes it will, the 95 and 2000 jackets have the same buttonholes on the collar.
Q: Is this made of Rip Stop like the Soldier95 jacket?
A: Yes it is.
Q: Will this hood fit onto the M65 alpha industries jacket? I have one and it does have button holes around the neck, seemingly for a hood.
A: This hood is designed for the Soldier 95 jacket and has 5 buttons, whereas the M65 jacket has 4 button holes. We have managed to fit the hood on by missing out the middle button and it is not too bad a fit.
Q: Will this hood fit onto the Soldier 95 jacket? I believe that jacket to have 5 button holes on the collar.
A: Yes, these hoods are designed for the Soldier 95 jackets and have 5 buttons.