At this reduced price (24.95) really good value for money.
This is a very good quality fleece, its nice and warm. I got the larger size, 52 chest, and it fits really well. The elastic in the bottom is quite strong, but the jacket is still big enough to do up nicely. The sleeves are elasticated at the ends too and are plenty long enough (I'm 6'6").
Really nice jacket, as good as, if not better, than many more expensive 'branded' ones.
Pros: Warm, quick drying
Cons: None that I have found.
Sizing: Feels about right
Would recommend: Yes
Reviewed by Big Sandy in Sutherland
Street Smart
Not as thick as some of the heavyweight polartec fleeces but silll warm enough. High collar keeps the wind and rain out with an elastic cord to pull it in tight. Smart enough to wear anywhere.
Pros: Elbow patches, Street smart
Cons: Bit pricey, Waist very tight
Sizing: Feels about right
Would recommend: No
Reviewed by Stevie Poole in POOLE