Q: I worked for the Shell Oil Company from 1968 to 1973 supplying petroleum , oil and lubricants to Allied forces in South Vietnam on British registered ships. Ports called at included Saigon (Nha Be) , Cam Ran Bay, Qui Nhon, Da Nang, Na Trang etc. Can you tell me if I am entitled to the Vietnam Service Medal?
A: I really couldn't say whether you're officially entitled to one, but I think you should at least have one unofficially for the work you did!
Q: I was in vietnam in feb 68 to 69 march, I want to know if get any new metals that they gave the vietnam vets , like the tet, wietman service comm, rvn civil action comm, or rvncross unt citaion comm. please let me know.
A: Sorry, this is the only Vietnam medal we have.